When people talk about getting high on the Lord, this probably not what they had in mind. The Bureau of Cannabis Control (Bureau) and the Department of Consumer Affairs' Division of Investigation-Cannabis Enforcement Unit (DOI-CEU), in coordination with the Costa Mesa Police Department and local agencies, executed a search warrant on an unlicensed cannabis retail location in Costa Mesa called, “Church of Peace and Glory.” Hallelujah and pass that joint, brother. Only, this activity has no First Amendment protection.
The Costa Mesa Police Department served a search warrant on an unlicensed cannabis retail location, Church of Peace and Glory, located at the 1600 block of Irvine Boulevard in Costa Mesa. The investigation was the result of numerous complaints received by the Bureau. The search warrant resulted in the seizure of cannabis, edibles, and tobacco products all unlicensed by the establishment. The owner is charged with four misdemeanor counts of unlawful transportation, sale, and furnishing of cannabis. What he may be praying for now is anybody's guest. Misdemeanor offenses do not carry the same stigma and consequences as felony offenses, but this is one of those self-inflicted wounds to a business. This business is listed in numerous online spaces and cannabis maps as a place where one can purchase cannabis products. Usually, that can be a good thing, but not when you have no license to do so, and you are advertising your possibly illegal activity.
All commercial cannabis activity in California requires a license from one of the state's three cannabis licensing authorities. Selling cannabis goods without a state license is a violation of state law. Buy doing so without a license one is subject to enforcement of unlicensed commercial cannabis activity at the local, county or state level. And that is before we even address dealing with the Federal agencies.
To put it simply, yes it is cheaper to enter the cannabis business without a license. But doing so can have long-term costs, shut your entire business down and result in never getting a license to be a part of the cannabis business on a legal level. It is not worth it. Follow the rules and get guidance from lawyers, consultants and others already involved in the legitimate aspect of the industry